I've been trying not to post any kind of personal anxiety on here as of yet because my goal is for this blog to be based mainly on when we're in Europe and less based on my feelings - but alas, the very nature of blogging is subjective.
I started booking hostels just last night and I've found the entire process to be debilitatingly stressful. We'll be getting quite a tour of Amsterdam next weekend considering I had to find three different places for all three nights. Our first night is on a beach though so I'm pretty pumped about that.
The rest of the bookings are taking me much longer than I anticipated. There are just so many factors to weigh - price/budget, internet, safety, location, cleanliness - that I've been strongly tempted to just pick the first one I see and let fate have its way. But I'm far too paranoid for that, so the search continues.
I do have to admit that I gave in and booked a hostel near King's Cross in London. I just couldn't resist. I wonder if it's true that they've made a platform 9 & 3/4? I'll report back on that. I imagine Jenna will have to put up with a bit of overexcitement from me much like Jess did in Harry Potter world for our entire stay in London.
For convenience's sake I tried to get us as close to the city of Paris as we could afford; and I tried to find somewhere where the staff seems to speak English. God help me and all Parisians who may be exposed to my extremely sad attempts at French.
Currently I'm debating between a very cheap and fun hostel in Venice that has expensive boat service, as it isn't on the main island, or trying to get somewhere closer. I've been advised to look for hotels in Rome, which I'm only too happy to do in lieu of more hostels.
Don't expect many updates before we actually commence our trip - as I said I'm trying to keep this type of post to a minimum. We leave this Wednesday, June 29th!